
I started knife making in 2017 using whatever tools and metals, mostly old saw blades, I could get my hands on. I have a long history of working with metal, so, naturally, knife making was always a craft that intrigued me. I was invited to take a class in Wyoming from an ABS Master Bladesmith and from that point forward I was hooked. I began investing in quality tools and using good high carbon steel. I’ve since taken two more classes from the same ABS Master Bladesmith. I am by no means the best knife maker out there but I enjoy what I do and make a nice usable blade.

Knife making is a way to relax and not worry about the world around me and I have been blessed that it has turn into a small business adventure. Yes, adventure because no two customers are alike. I enjoy making smaller simple EDC knives and the occasional cleaver, but I have made several interesting knives over the course of my time.